Saturday, October 24, 2009

“Cutting Edge in Business world”

Date: 24th October 09 (Saturday)
Venue: IILM Gurgaon (Room no 301)
Time: 12:00 to 2:00 pm

Guest Speakers

1. Dr. Sneha Saxena

2. Monika Mor

3. Amit Choudry

4. Munisha bhasin

Presentations on the following
Art of Negotiation and Leadership
Games Of Strategy
Business Skills

The event started at 12:15 and our hosts for the day was Nishaant Sondhi and Srishti Bhasin of UG 3. Our own Monika more from PG faculty gave a mesmerizing start talking about difficulties faced and confusion of undergrads and post-grads, followed by a wonderful presentation given by Dr.Sneha Saxena about art of negotiation , power and conflicts. The presentation was for 15-20 min and the amount of knowledge and experience she shared was undoubtedly commendable. As an undergraduate I dint connect myself to the term ‘negotiation’ but after Dr sneha actually explained, the art of negotiation I understood how important is for us to know as the enterprenuer of tomorrow that in a conflict one has to be nutral in order to think for the benefit of the organization.

Then it was Mr. Amit choudry who highlighted the concept of leadership and connected, it with his experience of climbing mount Everest, this was an eye opener because what we knew about leadership was limited to 4 categories i.e. referent, autocratic, participative and legitimated … but MR. Amit highlighted the importance of team and why is it important to have a supportive and adaptive team rather than a intelligent team… Well this lesson was actually very important because as students we want to form our team with intelligent students forgetting the fact that this would for sure lead to many leaders in one group and be a cause for conflict.

Lastly it was Mr. Munish Bhasin , who talked about being adaptive and 360 degree vision , which was very impressing because we as undergrads are in the process of learning, for us knowing the bookish knowledge is very important, but Mr. Munish highlighted the fact that till you are an all rounder and till you adapt the path of re-learning , you cannot be a successful entrepreneur… it was a pleasure hearing him and specially wonderful knowing his experiences..

After this we had 3 of our alumni i.e. bharat wig , abhishek valecha and akriti Sharma to talk about how have they moved on after iilm , what are they doing at present , what are their future plans and what was iilm to them.. this was a great podium where all the 3 alumni’s thanked the faculty and advised the fresher’s to enjoy their 3 years stay in iilm.

As a student I take this opportunity and thank our college iilm and specially our teacher priyanka maam, who took an initiative and called such an experienced speakers to share their experience with all of us.

I thank all our alumni for coming and making this seminar a success. I would also like to thank the coordinators like Eshaan Mathur , Chandni Raju , Srishti Bhasin and Nishaant Sondhi from UG 3 without whom the event would have been a fail, thank you all for joining us for this seminar the alumni cell have more plans for you all in future..

Thank you

Sara Bower , UG 3

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Love has hope, hate is hopeless

Love has its kinds,it has no boundaries and no restrictions.It is what you call "A free bird",because you can't hold it,and if you hold it,you can't feel its pureness.It is pious to feel and blissful to have.Something you can shower upon and one thing you can drench in on.Love is always been new to learn and old to experience.On the contrary,hatred is the tainted pain that streches one's perception to leave its values and pertain to others.It is never yours,rather it works for others.You play the cynosure and the world goes around it,leaving you entangled and complex,indirecting ways to come out of it.These events bring one to the concluding part of it,saying " love has hope,but hatred is hopeless".

Love has Hope in one kind!It is the virtual entity that buys you amount of respect,care,unity,purity,charmness and beautiness.It is priceless but values the whole world,extent the boundaries and comprise the relationships.Love can incept at any stage but takes the lifetime of it to vent.It is endless,it is real,and has the power to change one'existence into another without the inch of indifferences.One can never see but feel what is love,hear its existence but can never touch its purity.
Hatred is Hopeless! It is ingenuinity towards feeling the natural environment.It can never be pious but can sell one's identity,existence and most importantly love.One can't touch but feel its appearance in the way of jealously,hostility,enmity and animosities.It has the boundaries to hold rescindness towards others,so it definitely has an end.Hatred is never given but is taken in absolute discouraging ways.It is rightly propounded to be hopeless,as it absconds oneself with its own.

Love has hope in another kind! It has the alchemy to attract even the opposites.To get together and experience the same world with two different eyes.TO share together the same environment with two different mind,and live together the same moment with two different hearts.It is always right in the most wrong ways,and always have the edge to cover the losses.It always resides in one heart and without much ado reveals its truthfulness to the one heart that it loves.It lives forever even after the one dies in the world.It is never said but is expressed without words,and then is never forced but is felt afterwards.
Hatred is hopeless in another kind,it pulls accross even the compatibles and creates complexities.It is always build and created without reason and has the aptitude to annihilate the purities.It asks for favour in return and injurn the elements associated.It is better never to give it a birth or it may kill the innerself without even a knowledge of it.

Love has hope in one another kind! It gives you the chance to feel sensitivity and the emotions.It revolutionizes the world around it and gives the unconditional offer to exchange these impressionable qualities.It never challenges but always won,it is never asked for but is always given.It is absolute natural and never artificial.Hatred is hopeless,it has the reason to fail and is left behind.Chance to betrayal,and chance to loose has been the characteristic features,that has always made it unfavourable to acceptance.

Love is deeply reconciliated and carries the hope to spread its fragrance of it.In a world of total and In balanced existence,Love creates the hope to bring together the split ends with much respect and care,and born a new seed of happiness and peace.It is new and fresh the every time it is felt,and old and experienced the every time it is learned.On the opposite part,hatred has lost hope for designing a relation that uses purity and piousness to learn.It never has any step for reconciliation rather it is deniality that it offers.
- Rajat Singhal (UG 3) , this article was chosen the best article for 2008-2009

Existing (understanding life)

We all the time think…

trying to understand the link.

Life, seems to takes away so much from us,

Always creating it a fuss.

It’s always in our minds,

Life has never been kind.

Stop… just go to other side,

And build your mind a little wide,

‘WANDER’, what have you given to life?

just before killing yourself with that knife.

I don’t think you will have a reply,

even if you force your mind to supply.

Just observe that pause,

understand the reason that has made it to cause.

You will have to do something about it,

because the reason lies in your wits.

Instead of getting tense,

It’s for you to make the difference.

Make life your friend,

and not your foe

Don’t introspect life,

instead reflect within you.

Because life is like a mirror,

what you reflect to life,

that is what you get back reflected to.

So, life can’t be different,

before you are ready to be different.

Stand up and make the difference in you!!!!!!!


UG 2

(this poem won best poem in a competition held in 2008-2009)