Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A new beginning

Life is all about moving on. Another academic year has begun and all of us at IILM have already tightened our seat belts and are looking forward to having another fun- filled year ahead!!! After a good long gap of three months we have all returned to start afresh with the good old routine of having to go to college. But then is there something new that I am writing about??? What is it that makes IILM??? Of all the things why an article on starting afresh??? Well, how many of you have heard about starting the year in college with Bridge Courses (foundation/ certificate courses, for those who did not know) which would go on for a month? IILM offers all its students to choose from a variety of value added courses in the form of workshops which have been designed and formulated in such a way that would suit the requirements of the ever- demanding employers of today and tomorrow. Apart from pursuing an Honours degree these certificates would only make our CVs look even more attractive and I guess a little more bulky (if I may say so)!!! We have been offered with an array of options to choose from. We have workshops like Review of Lives of Business Personalities, Stock Market, Cross Cultural Management, Stress Management and Business Strategy to name a few ( for those of you who were wondering that am going to reveal the entire list, you are sadly mistaken)!!! The demand for such workshops is very high in the corporate world so having given such a facility at college level is like, “What more could you have asked for??”!!! And here comes the best part, one month of total fun for everybody and a very good chance for the new comers to settle down and adjust to a new system!!! Would just like to conclude this article by saying that it is a nice and unique way of starting anew, which is a rare thing to find in most of the institutes even today........... Guess it is enough for now........!!!!!! Your feedback is always welcome and awaited!!!!

-- Srishti ,

UG 2

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