Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Corporate Seminar on “Life at Cyber World”

The Symposium "Life in Cyber World" has been organized at India International Centre (IIC) on Friday, 13th November, 2009 at 5:30 pm. CSI (Computer Society of India) co-hosted this event in conjunction with The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE). This event took place at the India International Centre (IIC) Annex, Conference Hall no: 3, Lodhi road, New Delhi and was supplemented by a social programme that gave students the opportunity to meet and discuss issues outside of the formal seminar setting.

The aim of taking students for this Corporate Seminar was to give them the opportunity to understand the Cyber technologies and to interact with the top IT Industry and Ministry people. The group consisted of 7 Ecommerce and IMS undergraduate students from IILM Lodhi Road and Gurgaon campus attended this seminar.

The seminar was targeted at those involved in the planning, implementation, and management of digital resources, and attendees comprised a range of professions including programme managers, technological architects, archivists, consultants and other information professionals.

The seminar commenced with brief words of welcome and introductions by Dr. MN Hoda, Chairman CSI, Delhi Chapter. He touched shortly upon the Cyber Security concepts related to technologies breaches and measures. After this the seminar launched into the evening session presentations on “Life in Cyber World”.

The topics covered during the session are:

§ Social Networking in Internet Age by Mr. Manish Malik, Product Head-Mobile Internet & 3G Services, Spice Digital

§ Email Security by Mr. Muktesh Chander, IPS, Additional Commissioner of Police (Traffic), Delhi Police

§ Securing Indian Cyberspace by Mr. B.J Srinath, Director - Cert-In, MC & IT Govt. of India

Speakers presented practical experiences and theory to provide seminar participants with cutting edge knowledge of cyber security issues within the often overlooked context of business models, costing and business plans.

This was followed by 10 minutes Questions and Answers Session, wherein, students were given an opportunity to put their questions on Internet Security breaches and measures to the speakers. The presentations and discussions during the seminar helped the attendees in getting a better focus and provided them a first introduction into Cyber Security related issues and measures.

In concluding the seminar, Dr. Hoda offered some summary points regarding several of the presentations and provided some insight into what seminar participants may have learned and could take away with them. Thanks were given to all those involved, from speakers to attendees to seminar organizers, all of whose input was invaluable to the success of the seminar and to raising the vital importance of introducing Cyber Security. This was followed by Dinner at IIC, Annex. It was a very enlightening experience for the students as they got exposure to the various aspects of Cyber Security.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

11th Annual Convocation Ceremony

IILM-Undergraduate Business School celebrates the success of its partnership with the University of Bradford at its 11th Annual Convocation Ceremony

The eleventh annual convocation ceremony of IILM-Undergraduate Business School - a leading management institute based in New Delhi, India was held on November 3, 2009. IILM’s undergraduate programme began in 1996 in partnership with the University of Bradford, UK – a trendsetting joint venture that took advantage of the opening up of the Indian economy to economic reforms since 1991. More than 850 students have so far been awarded bachelor degrees in business administration, all of whom have been placed comfortably in a booming economy that is considered one of the future growth engines of the world economy. This year, 87 students received their degrees.

Prof Arthur Francis, Dean, School of Management, University of Bradford, who attended all the previous convocations, delivered the Graduation Address after the outgoing batch received their degrees. Mrs. Malvika Rai, Chairperson IILM presented the Dr. Kulwant Rai Gold and Silver medals to the toppers

According to Prof Francis, the growth of IILM and the UBS programme mirrors the deep-going transformations in India’s economy. “My first visit was eight years after India’s economic liberalization in 1991. We now know that this set India decisively on its current pathway of fast economic growth… But year after year I have seen for myself … the modernisation of the capital city – the opening of the Delhi Metro, road-building with many expressways and overpasses, the development of Gurgaon, the growth of IILM itself.”

India’s growth rate of 7-8 per cent a year meant that over 11 years its gross domestic product has more than doubled. Prof Francis argued that “this economic growth has come about through the application, at the level of the economy, of economic theory taught in universities and business schools, and at the level of the firm by the application of the ideas you have taught on your degree programme at IILM.”

In the context of the global financial crisis, Prof Francis forcefully urged the outgoing graduates to keep in mind 3 Ms: might, mind and morals. Which approach is right? Might, mind, or morality? Of course, the answer has to be all of them. “You are entering the world of the mighty and your political skills will be forever invaluable to you. We rely on you to exercise those political skills with the highest levels of morality. And do continue to use your minds at the highest possible level, to make sure you take the right technical decisions to avoid further financial and other crises, to ensure a sustainable future for us all, and to maintain a level of economic growth that continues to add to the world’s health, wealth and wisdom”, he concluded.

The IILM UBS and Bradford University School of Management collaboration has a mandate of providing the best management education coupled with value-based training and research. IILM UBS develops business leaders of tomorrow by integrating academics with exposure to real–life business situations.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

“Cutting Edge in Business world”

Date: 24th October 09 (Saturday)
Venue: IILM Gurgaon (Room no 301)
Time: 12:00 to 2:00 pm

Guest Speakers

1. Dr. Sneha Saxena

2. Monika Mor

3. Amit Choudry

4. Munisha bhasin

Presentations on the following
Art of Negotiation and Leadership
Games Of Strategy
Business Skills

The event started at 12:15 and our hosts for the day was Nishaant Sondhi and Srishti Bhasin of UG 3. Our own Monika more from PG faculty gave a mesmerizing start talking about difficulties faced and confusion of undergrads and post-grads, followed by a wonderful presentation given by Dr.Sneha Saxena about art of negotiation , power and conflicts. The presentation was for 15-20 min and the amount of knowledge and experience she shared was undoubtedly commendable. As an undergraduate I dint connect myself to the term ‘negotiation’ but after Dr sneha actually explained, the art of negotiation I understood how important is for us to know as the enterprenuer of tomorrow that in a conflict one has to be nutral in order to think for the benefit of the organization.

Then it was Mr. Amit choudry who highlighted the concept of leadership and connected, it with his experience of climbing mount Everest, this was an eye opener because what we knew about leadership was limited to 4 categories i.e. referent, autocratic, participative and legitimated … but MR. Amit highlighted the importance of team and why is it important to have a supportive and adaptive team rather than a intelligent team… Well this lesson was actually very important because as students we want to form our team with intelligent students forgetting the fact that this would for sure lead to many leaders in one group and be a cause for conflict.

Lastly it was Mr. Munish Bhasin , who talked about being adaptive and 360 degree vision , which was very impressing because we as undergrads are in the process of learning, for us knowing the bookish knowledge is very important, but Mr. Munish highlighted the fact that till you are an all rounder and till you adapt the path of re-learning , you cannot be a successful entrepreneur… it was a pleasure hearing him and specially wonderful knowing his experiences..

After this we had 3 of our alumni i.e. bharat wig , abhishek valecha and akriti Sharma to talk about how have they moved on after iilm , what are they doing at present , what are their future plans and what was iilm to them.. this was a great podium where all the 3 alumni’s thanked the faculty and advised the fresher’s to enjoy their 3 years stay in iilm.

As a student I take this opportunity and thank our college iilm and specially our teacher priyanka maam, who took an initiative and called such an experienced speakers to share their experience with all of us.

I thank all our alumni for coming and making this seminar a success. I would also like to thank the coordinators like Eshaan Mathur , Chandni Raju , Srishti Bhasin and Nishaant Sondhi from UG 3 without whom the event would have been a fail, thank you all for joining us for this seminar the alumni cell have more plans for you all in future..

Thank you

Sara Bower , UG 3

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Love has hope, hate is hopeless

Love has its kinds,it has no boundaries and no restrictions.It is what you call "A free bird",because you can't hold it,and if you hold it,you can't feel its pureness.It is pious to feel and blissful to have.Something you can shower upon and one thing you can drench in on.Love is always been new to learn and old to experience.On the contrary,hatred is the tainted pain that streches one's perception to leave its values and pertain to others.It is never yours,rather it works for others.You play the cynosure and the world goes around it,leaving you entangled and complex,indirecting ways to come out of it.These events bring one to the concluding part of it,saying " love has hope,but hatred is hopeless".

Love has Hope in one kind!It is the virtual entity that buys you amount of respect,care,unity,purity,charmness and beautiness.It is priceless but values the whole world,extent the boundaries and comprise the relationships.Love can incept at any stage but takes the lifetime of it to vent.It is endless,it is real,and has the power to change one'existence into another without the inch of indifferences.One can never see but feel what is love,hear its existence but can never touch its purity.
Hatred is Hopeless! It is ingenuinity towards feeling the natural environment.It can never be pious but can sell one's identity,existence and most importantly love.One can't touch but feel its appearance in the way of jealously,hostility,enmity and animosities.It has the boundaries to hold rescindness towards others,so it definitely has an end.Hatred is never given but is taken in absolute discouraging ways.It is rightly propounded to be hopeless,as it absconds oneself with its own.

Love has hope in another kind! It has the alchemy to attract even the opposites.To get together and experience the same world with two different eyes.TO share together the same environment with two different mind,and live together the same moment with two different hearts.It is always right in the most wrong ways,and always have the edge to cover the losses.It always resides in one heart and without much ado reveals its truthfulness to the one heart that it loves.It lives forever even after the one dies in the world.It is never said but is expressed without words,and then is never forced but is felt afterwards.
Hatred is hopeless in another kind,it pulls accross even the compatibles and creates complexities.It is always build and created without reason and has the aptitude to annihilate the purities.It asks for favour in return and injurn the elements associated.It is better never to give it a birth or it may kill the innerself without even a knowledge of it.

Love has hope in one another kind! It gives you the chance to feel sensitivity and the emotions.It revolutionizes the world around it and gives the unconditional offer to exchange these impressionable qualities.It never challenges but always won,it is never asked for but is always given.It is absolute natural and never artificial.Hatred is hopeless,it has the reason to fail and is left behind.Chance to betrayal,and chance to loose has been the characteristic features,that has always made it unfavourable to acceptance.

Love is deeply reconciliated and carries the hope to spread its fragrance of it.In a world of total and In balanced existence,Love creates the hope to bring together the split ends with much respect and care,and born a new seed of happiness and peace.It is new and fresh the every time it is felt,and old and experienced the every time it is learned.On the opposite part,hatred has lost hope for designing a relation that uses purity and piousness to learn.It never has any step for reconciliation rather it is deniality that it offers.
- Rajat Singhal (UG 3) , this article was chosen the best article for 2008-2009

Existing (understanding life)

We all the time think…

trying to understand the link.

Life, seems to takes away so much from us,

Always creating it a fuss.

It’s always in our minds,

Life has never been kind.

Stop… just go to other side,

And build your mind a little wide,

‘WANDER’, what have you given to life?

just before killing yourself with that knife.

I don’t think you will have a reply,

even if you force your mind to supply.

Just observe that pause,

understand the reason that has made it to cause.

You will have to do something about it,

because the reason lies in your wits.

Instead of getting tense,

It’s for you to make the difference.

Make life your friend,

and not your foe

Don’t introspect life,

instead reflect within you.

Because life is like a mirror,

what you reflect to life,

that is what you get back reflected to.

So, life can’t be different,

before you are ready to be different.

Stand up and make the difference in you!!!!!!!


UG 2

(this poem won best poem in a competition held in 2008-2009)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Experience at IILM under graduation year 1

Learning at IILM College was an experience in itself; interacting with such an intellectual teachers, accommodating students and knowing out of the ordinary topics was quite challenging and stimulating.

This spirit of challenge and support from teachers ignited the fire to be acquainted with and excel in the topics and bring laurels to the college.

All through my understanding and know –how, I have been able to collect following information about pattern of study granted at IILM College:

In the 1st semester, we were introduced to below stated subjects:

OB (Organizational Behavior), which narrated over how human behavior and his/her individuality affects his/her performance as well as an organization overall and made us comprehend about the enhancement of a human being in every way.

SSD (Student Self Development) was also on the same line of action, which focused upon the self- enhancement and appraisal in every pasture of existence of a being and highlighted over the enlightenment of the self, and be a healthier player in life.

QMIM (Quantitative Measures in Mathematics), is a theme that underlines the requirement and application of statistics in careers. And explains how statistics works as tool to heighten your performance in the field of knowledge.

BE (Business Economics), talks and discusses about the interdependence and interlink of the two driving forces: economic and business; and brings to light the scenario and scope.

BL (Business Law) consults over the law system and the necessity of knowing and understanding law varying from an individual to an organization.

IAF (Introduction to Accounting and Finance), observes the scope of ‘blood of business’ i.e. finance and comprehends the essential of the topic.

Unquestionably, the study at IILM College in not exclusive, but the secret lies in the way of demeanor, the overall exposure, the variety of knowledge imparted makes it an distinctive college to study in and gather a glimpse over the real- corporate world and learn globalised learning and living.

The consent of 1st semester, made us step forward to the door to be on familiar terms with 2nd semester, which bring in the extensive knowledge about the real world, centering over the following subjects:

MEE (Macro-Economics Environment), hubs over the introduction to the macro scope of economics and its varied essential in the business today and centers around the globalized economy.

FOA (Foundations of Accounting), accounts over the internal and external need and vitality over the accountancy and management of finances in the business world.

POM (Productions of Management), directs in the scope over the effectiveness and efficiency of basic entity i.e. production to the business around. And the scenario of competitiveness regarding the subject matter.

FOM (Foundations of Marketing), scopes over the need of marketing in winning over the market share and deals in with the competition- success in the hard-core globe- business.

OIS (Organizational Information System), informs about the inter-relationship about the IT and business world all over and enwinds the fundamental exposure to the management of the IT and scope in the corporate world.

SOW (Sociology of Work), extents over the history and creation of work and how innovation and revolution incited the alteration in the work pattern today and for tomorrow.

These invite in the end to the 1st year and win over 120 credits, and promotion to 2nd year at IILM College.

First year at IILM College was full of adventure, exposure and learning. It brought has lot of knowledge and scholarly and refined by attitude and aptitude.

With the great hand assistance and guidance of my teachers bought in direction to my life. The efforts have echoed itself in oodles of achievements and wisdom; which has distinguished me. It has groomed my approach to existence.

Subjects has fetched in plenty of familiarity with the reality at the aggressive corporate world, and boosted my scope and confidence. Moreover, it has also strengthens my position and prorogued myself into the corporate world.

Hope you had a nice journey exploring over the 1st year at IILM College!!!

This is Mayuri Bansal, signing off and assuring you to get back with the delightful flight over 2nd year experience guide through.

-- Mayuri Bansal, UG 2

Sunday, September 20, 2009


This was the in-house competition of iilm.. Wherein both the campuses i.e. Gurgaon and Lodhi road came together to participate and coordinate various events.

Zest went on for 2 days in both the campuses and the amount of enthusiasm and fun was just immeasurable.

The events were as followed:

Schedule for 17th September 2009

Starting time: 2:30pm
Venue : Lodhi road campus

Dance performance
Singing solo (western and Indian)
Theatre performance
Instrumental performance

Schedule for 18th September 2009

Starting time: 2:30pm
Venue : Gurgaon campus


Winners were as followed:

Dance Competition
Black (gurgaon)

Shirin Latheef (gurgaon)

Sunny (Lodhi road)

Sara Bower (gurgaon ug 3)
Shirin Latheef (gurgaon ug 1)

Shristi Bhasin (gurgaon ug 3)

1st – Ankita Walia (gurgaon ug 3)
Pawan Khatri (gurgaon ug 3)
2nd – Sonakshi Aggrwal (gurgaon ug 2)
Mayuree (gurgaon ug 2)

Lodhi road

I would Specially Mention Kalairasan and Rishabh from gurgaon campus who did a mesmerizing performance at the end on 17th September at lodhi road. ‘Now that’s What I call a Performance and talent’.

I would like to specially mention the name of aventurine (dance team gurgaon) , because it was there first performance and trust me guys.. u rocked and for us you all are undoubtedly the Best. All the very best for future performances.. you performed extremely well!!

Trust me Arushi (gurgaon , ug 1) your song was outstanding and u should try for professional singing. Then Vishwajit (gurgaon, ug 2). Omg ‘Ma’ from ‘Tare zammen par' was very touching and trust me you would have done wonders if you had music along.

Finally Zest came to end and so did the good time but I hope that both the campuses would come together again for the fest and put up great performances.

Keep waiting for more fun and study hard for your Bradford session


-- Sara Bower ,

UG 3

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Aventurine is a platform for every dancer to portray his or her talent. The name aventurine stands for a stone of confidence and tranquility. This name was chosen as it spreads positive energy which is very important for every individual. I have been a part of ‘black’ for a year and I surely learnt a lot from them in terms of dancing, fun and being a winner. With a new year more dancers started flowing in at IILM. We soon felt the need of forming a new dance group. With the support of our teachers and friends we were able to make this successful. After auditioning several students we shortlisted the ones we saw are good dancers.

Now our group comprises of ten dancers (Ankur, Manan, Hardik, Devraj, Adhiraj, Shristee, Simran, Jasmine, Chandini and Sunakshi). We are well aware of the competition we will be facing and will put our best foot forward. I am very convinced that the immense of hard work and dedication by all of us will not go waste. Our choreographer has very innovative ideas which will add to our very unique performance. The colors that will represent our group are white and green.

After a lot of quarrel, fun and proving ourselves we have formed Aventurine. I hope that we all meet everyone’s expectations and perform to the best of our abilities. I wish best of luck to everybody and hope that you all practice with sincerity and make our college, faculty, friends and me proud. I hope that we all support each other throughout our Aventurine journey and accept victory or loss with pride keeping in mind that we will never back out. I request everyone to encourage the Aventurines and look forward to our first performance on the 17th of September 2009.

-- Sonakshi , ug 2

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A new beginning

Life is all about moving on. Another academic year has begun and all of us at IILM have already tightened our seat belts and are looking forward to having another fun- filled year ahead!!! After a good long gap of three months we have all returned to start afresh with the good old routine of having to go to college. But then is there something new that I am writing about??? What is it that makes IILM??? Of all the things why an article on starting afresh??? Well, how many of you have heard about starting the year in college with Bridge Courses (foundation/ certificate courses, for those who did not know) which would go on for a month? IILM offers all its students to choose from a variety of value added courses in the form of workshops which have been designed and formulated in such a way that would suit the requirements of the ever- demanding employers of today and tomorrow. Apart from pursuing an Honours degree these certificates would only make our CVs look even more attractive and I guess a little more bulky (if I may say so)!!! We have been offered with an array of options to choose from. We have workshops like Review of Lives of Business Personalities, Stock Market, Cross Cultural Management, Stress Management and Business Strategy to name a few ( for those of you who were wondering that am going to reveal the entire list, you are sadly mistaken)!!! The demand for such workshops is very high in the corporate world so having given such a facility at college level is like, “What more could you have asked for??”!!! And here comes the best part, one month of total fun for everybody and a very good chance for the new comers to settle down and adjust to a new system!!! Would just like to conclude this article by saying that it is a nice and unique way of starting anew, which is a rare thing to find in most of the institutes even today........... Guess it is enough for now........!!!!!! Your feedback is always welcome and awaited!!!!

-- Srishti ,

UG 2

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Batch 2007-2010

Hey all…

Well today I am gonna introduce u to my class mates via the people who completes my college life…

Sara(me) à when I entered iilm I was excited, nervous, scared, happy etc etc… in totality I had like 10000 things going up and down my brain , but only thing which was constant was the light and the feeling that said… ‘sara the new world is just a step ahead, step forward with a new confidence , make new friends, live and excavate a new me within you’…

When I opened the door I had like 30 eyes on me… I became very scared and nervous… all the feeling of doing wrong things came in my head but somehow I tend to make good friends…

At this moment when I think about my first day I laugh at my self… one thing I can say is that iilm have given me good friends . some are intelligent , some are dumb , some are mad, some are pretentious , some are ambitious , some are opportunist but THEY ARE MY FRIENDS , they complete my journey of graduation….. I love u all guys…. Mwhaaa …. I really do…

Ankita Walliaà what to say about this gurl… she is my best friend , my guide and yes the most hardworking gurl in town…. I never gelled with her the first day , I thought she had like this oodles and oodles of attitude problem .. the funny part is, she thought the same about me.. but now, I know her and she knows me .. we share great bond together.. and I know we will be friends for lifetime…

Chandni Rajuà we have this great bond of trust and understanding.. some people say that birds of same feather flock together , well that’s not the case with us.. she is like typical ‘sweet gurl next door’ and I am totally this ‘blunt and bindass gurl’ …I somehow laugh on our combination cause seriously its odd one out but the good part is we both trust each other completely ..

Nishant sondhi à one of the most ambitious person I have come across (in +ve sense).. somehow when ever I talk to him I feel so proud of him… his goal , his picture of reality is so clear in front of him.. whenever I am in some sort of emotional trap I call him up and give my self a reality check.. I know and I wish that he gets everything in life wateva he wish for.. god bless!!!

Srishti Bhasin à we have this great love hate relationship.. people think that we hate each other but guys that’s really not the truth.. she is one gem of a person, if u get to know her u gonna love each side oh ‘Srishti Bhasin’ .. really …. Her dancing skill and confidence level is to die for.. great going gurl wish u all the luck in this world…

Karan anand à one kid of our class.. I seriously thing he is the cutest person in our class… he would always manage to get in some or the other trouble…but he is so innocent that people try to take undue advantage of him.. I wish he grows up in life and settle down asap.. but I really wish all the best to him because he doesn’t know his brain is so good in terms of creativity and captivity .. way to go dude…cheers!!!

Akshay à one crazy yet interesting person to hangout with.. I just love his one-linners.. I wish him all the luck and I know that he would be successful in his massive plan for future… stay in touch dude.. god bless!!

Sunny à what to say about him .. he is one guy who is so intelligent that even if he reads a chapter 10 min before the exam he would score 20 on 30 in it .. he is extremely jovial person … he tends to have a great sense of humor.. all the best for future dude..way to go.. stay in touch

Niharika malik à when I saw her for the first time I thought ‘ why is she angry?’ hhehehehe… but she is very friendly and intelligent.. once u get to know her well , she will be all pally pally with you , trust me guys… ya she has a bad side too.. but please DO NOT STEP THERE.. Best of luck.. u would go places…!!!

Sabia kochar à she is so sweet, subtle and girl next door … she doesn’t talk much but she is very intelligent …. I love her quiet and subtle behaviour… good going gurl…all the best for future!!

Sehraj à one can not stay away from his one liners and pranks.. his presence is quiet evident in class… I just love his one liners … and whenever he is in mood to enjoy then one must sit in radhika maam’s class and witness sehraj’s and maam’s interaction… all the best dude !!. stay in touch !!!...

Amandeep singh à he is one enthusiastic person in our class.. some people might mis-understand him, but he is a great person at heart… he has little more anger than everybody but I know he would work on it… all the best in life and I know you would get wat u want….

Aditya à he is one of the finest cricketer I have come across… he is very down to earth , ya little slow in terms of adjustment but very friendly once you get down to know him well…

Kushal à hmmm… he is very intelligent but the problem is he is not aware of it …. He is very friendly and has a spark of coming out as a leader in worst situation (I am saying this because I have seen a situation wherein his whole team was slogging but due to his confidence and his ability, he was able to handle the situation)… way to go dude…. just hold on to your confidence and trust ur instincts…

Arjun à well when I saw him for the first time I was like… ‘wow, he is cutely handsome?’ then in first year we hardly exchanged words but yes , I know he is very good and extremely confident when it comes down to give any presentations …. I wish him all the luck in life and would request him to lighten the class room more often ….. hehehehhe …. God bless!!

Sahil à being really frank I hardly know him… but what ever little I could conclude about his shy nature and his suttle yet evident personality is to good to be around with … I wish him all the best for his dream to be super model…good going boy…

Eshan à he is The techno freak of our class.. name it any gadget , name it any software and eshan is the answer to all… he is extremely friendly and yet very interesting person because his ‘art attack’ his ‘cartoonzz’ are to die for .. he has one of the wackiest brain I have come across… great going … all the best for future…!!

Rudraksh à he is very nice person..and a great company to be with… I wish him all the luck in this world…. Stay in touch !!

Rohan à well I really don’t know much, about him except for the fact that he is a great basket ball player and a person who gives great one-liners… all the best for future…

Pawan à well well well… he is a great sportsman indeed , yet I have seen him urging to make a mark in what ever he does.. let it be studies , let it be quiz , let it be presentation, call it anything.. I somehow appreciate his nature of being unsatisfied because according to me .. people who are unsatisfied make a mark in the world cause they strive really hard to make them-self satisfied… wish u all the luck in life..!!

Pratyangna aka prats à she is one sweet, innocent girl next door.. I just love the way she treat life and others in it… I wish her all the best and wish that she gets all happiness in this world… love u … little angel…

Yatin à i can undoubtedly say that, I have never-ever in this span of 2 years , heard ‘yatin’ speaking loudly to any1… he is so sweet and adorable.. I often connect him with my brother because when you are with him.. u would automatically get good and positive vibes … awww.. I am gonna miss u …stay in touch.. god bless!!

Rajat à he is extremely intelligent and I can say that among all of us he is very experienced when it comes down to practical knowledge via field work.. he knows his job pretty well and I wish all the best for his future…god bless!!

Ritika à she is one jem of a person.. she is extremely intelligent and a perfect competitor.. though I have not had much of interaction with her but whatever we have .. I think she is very friendly and fun to hang out with… all the best girl!!

Madhubani à she was the first girl I spoke to when I entered iilm … she is very chilled out and relaxed in life.. I wish her all the best and wish that we stay in touch .. god bless!!

Arpit à he is very quiet yet very friendly person.. if you get to his friendly side then you would just love every bit of him… he is extremely patient person and can keep his cool even in worst situation… all the best for future!!!

Gurpreet aka lucky à he is not at all punctual but he is very hardworking .. he give his 100% to what ever he does.. he is very innocent and lovable person and very suttle in life.. I wish him all the best and want him to come more in class..ehehehhe.. all the best!!!

Jasmine à if anyone want any fashion tip then she is the rite girl in town .. she has one of the fabulous diction and the way she carrys herself is outstanding… she is very moody but yes she is typicall girlly girlly stuff.. she loves to click pictures everywhere and with everybody… I wish her all the best in life..

Sidharth à he is very very hardworking person .. many people might know this but his answers are really awesome .. he write it mixing his practical and theoretical knowledge.. he is a true competitor…all the best for future.!!!

Mehtabjit à well I don’t have much of connection or interaction with him.. but all I know is he is a good basket ball player and very very quite in class…. He come across to me as a very innocent and an introvert kind of person.. I wish him all the luck and enjoy!!

Anchal , Sandeep and naved à well I have no interaction with them but I wish the come to college more often …well all the best for wat ever u all do.. tc !!

Well guys this is my class… and I love all of them.. some where all of them have been a part of me…. I would never forget these days of my life.. and thank u all for giving me great memories for lifetime.. thank you iilm for giving me new family.. love you !!! mwhaaaa!!!!

-- Sara Bower , ug 3..